Custom Ecommerce System

Back in the early 2000s, Allbrands needed a custom software system to help them manage their inventory and process their in-store sales here in Baton Rouge, and they also wanted to start selling products online as well. After much discussion about how their business works, we devised a system that included two main servers – one in Baton Rouge to act as the point of sale system, and one at our data center to handle the ecommerce side of sales. The two servers talk to each other to make sure that when an item is sold out in the store, it would not be available on their ecommerce site and vice versa. Also, if either of the servers lost internet connection (which was a common occurrence for business internet service back then), both servers act as as a backup for the other, and can catch the other up when it came back online. That way no data is ever lost and the system as a whole always stays synchronized. When we first launched this system for them, it was the largest grossing ecommerce system in the entire state of Louisiana – right here in our hometown of Baton Rouge.